Environmental consultant preparing Environmental Impact Study, Natural Heritage Evaluation, Arborist Report across Ontario

Species at Risk Assessments

Species at Risk Assessments


Endangered and Threatened Species in Ontario are primarily protected through the provincial Endangered Species Act. Aquatic Species at Risk and habitats on federal land are protected through the federal Species at Risk Act. Many municipalities require that a screening (or more detailed field surveys) be undertaken to confirm whether Species at Risk occupy a particular property or site in advance of development.


There are a wide variety of designated species at risk in Ontario, some of which are routinely documented in settled parts of the province. Terrastory’s team of Ecologists are experts in a undertaking species-specific survey protocols for many Species at Risk in Ontario and have extensive experience surveying Butternut, Barn Swallow, Bobolink, Eastern Meadowlark, Myotis/Perimyotis Bats, Blanding’s Turtle, Eastern Whip-poor-will, Spoon-leaved Moss, Pale-bellied Frost Lichen, and many others.