Environmental consultant preparing Environmental Impact Study, Natural Heritage Evaluation, Arborist Report across Ontario

Arborist Reports

Arborist Reports and Tree Protection


Many urban municipalities in Ontario require that trees be considered through the development process. This often occurs through the preparation of an Arborist Report which involves an inventory and assessment of trees within or near the development limit, along with a Tree Preservation Plan which includes recommendations for tree protection during construction.


Some municipalities have established stand-alone tree protection by-laws, including Toronto, Mississauga, Oakville, Vaughan, and Burlington. Such by-laws typically require that any removal or impacts to trees above a minimum size (such as 10 cm diameter) require a permit and replacement with new trees. Other municipalities protect trees through applications made under the Planning Act, including Hamilton, Newmarket, Halton Hills, and others. Terrastory’s certified Arborists and qualified Tree Risk Assessors have expansive experience preparing Arborist Reports and can always accommodate a quick turnaround when required.